
“Your conscious conception work is a very valuable contribution to fertility as well as the future of humanity.”

Your work is very important and much needed in the world at this time. It is a very valuable contribution to fertility as well as the future of humanity. Keep up the great work Elisabeth!

- Dr. Bruce Lipton

How fortunate and blessed I am that you were there for me. It was the bump that I needed. I feel like you and your work has lead me to a magical glittery place that would have taken me so much longer to unfold on my own.  Me and my babies thank you for following your heart and intuition with such passion and vibrancy!
— Helen
When I stop to think about all the help the universe placed in my life, I feel like you made the biggest most profound and meaningful impact on my journey. I am so grateful for your guidance, compassion, love and grace. This is such a strange and lonely path and having someone who walked it before and quite frankly paved the way for people like me is just the best. Thank YOU for gently always nudging me in the right direction, for showing me exactly what I needed to see and for literally fast-tracking me to a more grounded, open and connected self. I couldn’t be happier. I have so much love for you and I’m legit so grateful I get to get your guidance, encouragement and endless support.
— Cami
I feel so truly blessed from this visit and know that I am on the right path. I am releasing my fears and surrendering them to the universe to overcome. Thank you Elisabeth Manning for bringing me into this light it has truly changed not just my outlook but my life.
— Clare
Conscious conception has been the most spiritual journey of my life. I am transforming for the best even through some really painful times. My communication with my spirit baby has strengthened tremendously over time. I know in my heart that she is coming and I’m raising my vibration and learning how to trust the universe so she can be received in the most beautiful way. I’m becoming the mother I’m supposed to be, full of love and light and fearless, before she comes. I know my baby girl is coming and that I am evolving for the highest good of all.
— Mary

“She taught me to truly surrender, and connect to source; to trust and follow my intuition.”

Working with Elisabeth was a game changer for me. My journey had every conventional “solution” checked off. Being a lover of holistic health and functional medicine, I was “doing” all of the right things. It wasn’t until she lifted the veil that I realized the magic comes from “being”. She taught me truly surrender, and connect to source; to trust and follow my intuition. She taught me how to create. A major “shift” happened, in the most beautiful and effortless way! Two months into the program we conceived naturally. I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant, and couldn’t be more grateful to Elisabeth for her unique teaching, gentle guidance, and holding space for me in such a beautiful way.

- Esther

Dearest Elisabeth, How can I even begin to tell you how your our sessions have impacted me not once but again and again and again as I went into it every single day, some days even multiple times a day as I felt worry or fear … and each time, it calmed me and took me to that safe and beautiful divine place where I felt safe with my baby… you are a blessing to me, to so many, to this world!! And I am so eternally grateful for everything you have done for me. After just three sessions so far, I am pregnant! Things are a bit delicate right now but I have faith and am also counting on your prayers and blessings!!
— Sujata
Literally every chapter I read in your book fills me with hope. I feel like we are really uncovering some deep issues that I think dramatically have impacted my ability to conceive.
— Colleen
If you told me the transformation I would experience 6 months ago, I would have never believed you. It’s a good reminder that despite our own powers and possibilities we create for ourselves that there is something bigger and better who is laying out things more perfectly than we ever could. You showed me how to access that. Thank you for the peace you have brought me to. It means more than you know.
— Julie
I’m in total awe for the work we have been doing. You’ve been such a soft, nurturing, nourishing energy. This whole situation was resolved with so much ease, love, purity. It’s all written in heaven. I barely have words for the gratitude I’m feeling and my love for the blessings you have channeled, too.
— Fernanda

“I am so profoundly moved and grateful. It is such an honor to work with you. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.”

The most incredible aspect of the meditation was that I was able to connect with my mom's spirit! Incredible is a massive understatement to describe what a profound experience I had. When you asked us to call in guides or angels to help us to shine a light on our intention I felt her presence in the form of a beautiful light coming from within myself. Then when you asked us to identify a symbol to guide us the attached picture is what I saw. Actually it was more like I could feel the love displayed between my mom and me in the picture. (My godmother (my mom's sister) made this ornament for me last Christmas. I have kept it in a drawer in my nightstand table ever since. Every time I look at it I see the love between her and I and hope/pray/long for that love between myself and my own child (who I know my mom will be a part of)). Connecting to this picture and the love I see in the picture just completely brought me to tears. Good tears. Loving tears. Spirit tears. I am so profoundly moved and grateful. It is such an honor to work with you. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.

- Colleen

Thank you sooooo much for your work. It’s making a huge difference for me. Going through some rocky days at the moment with work stuff and having a little “what would Elisabeth say” moment is making such a difference to my “way of being”. I have also been immersed in choosing the thoughts to shape my feelings. I got some bad news about work earlier in the week and found myself feeling a total failure, lots of self loathing etc and then I remembered what you say about thoughts preceed feelings so I thought I’d see what the thoughts were which were very negative so I changed them and guess what, I soon felt better! Finally realising what it means to choose to be happy whatever is going on. Not saying its easy though but I’m sure practice will make it easier. I know you’re just a “normal” person but I have to say, right now, you feel like an angel! It’s simply fantastic to have you share my world.
— Harriet

“You really led me to a new and better place within and it is definitely changing what is outside too.”

A very sincere, deep, heartfelt thank you for the beautiful shift your work has brought about in me. You really have led me to a new and better place within and it is definitely changing what is outside too. You must hear often that people can't really describe how things have changed or why. I certainly feel that since being part of your online course, a deep seated sense of trust has emerged which I wasn't at all in touch with before. I'm much more in touch with my spirit life now which is amazing. You supported me beautifully through the void which of course I now see was just a part of the journey but at the time was very painful and uncomfortable. I have a clear feeling of my work not being done with you. I want to come back to you for past life work and other joys.

- Harriett

Elisabeth!!!  I am speechless , short of words. I never thought and knew the depths of my emotions n would have never figured out the meaning of these signs. When I took a deep dive in the drop of my ocean in the meditation. But your healing voice held my hand and soul and guided me through to bring my emotions to the surface and release the negative thoughts I had bottled inside for years.. i was captive of my own sorrows... thanks would be insufficient word to express my gratitude.. God bless you abundantly for the work you are doing.
— Shravani
Hi Elizabeth, just wanted to say that I am very greatful for your guidance, assistance, love, light and for you creating this beautiful sacred facebook page, helping women all over the world. I am proud to announce that I am five weeks pregnant!!!! WooooHOOOO!!!!! And your page has been a big part of it, I truly believe my meditation to baby’s spirit, assisted in sending bubs to me. Thank you so much Elizabeth, your work is amazing and it helps change lives.
— Rebecca
Wow, Elisabeth.  I am so moved.  I am so grateful to you.  I am amazed how you were able to channel EXACTLY what I needed this month (and I am sure exactly what others in the group needed as well).  The lecture portion was spot on in what I have been struggling with.  I took so many notes.  Your advice helped me immensely and will continue to help me. 
— Tamra
You have made a huge impact on my life and my fertility journey. In fact, you made me realise how important it is to look inward and to trust the power of my mind. Today I did your Babyspirit meditation to heal my miscarriage and open myself to pregnancy again, and it brought me to a space I have never been before. I am not new to meditation, but the state I reached today was something completely different! I felt a bright light going through my body, and filling up my belly. I could almost feel it expand! I felt so light, floating somewhere in space. And I felt my baby boy hold my hand and then let it go, to give space to his little sister. I knew then that things will turn out to be ok. I just wanted to thank you for the work you do. It has had an impact on me on so many levels, even though we’ve never met in person. Who knows, maybe on day we will.
— Kristiina

“I don’t think I have enough words of love and gratitude, but please know you are a blessing.”

I have to send you this love note. As you know for those of us who struggled with our mothers we've learn to appreciate the blessing in new forms of nurturance. I'm so grateful for you in my life, for nurturing my walk as a mother, in the light, towards the light and from the light. I don't think I have enough words of love and gratitude, but please know you are a blessing, I'm so grateful for your guidance and support.

- Fernanda

I wish I could put into words the sensations and visions I had during this meditation. The experiences were beyond words. The dark energy that I felt leaving my body felt so liberating. I then felt so many different sources of light. At one time loving light seemed to come from my left side then predominantly from the right side. Then at other times it felt as though there was a small circle of light then came closer to me and enveloped me. I was also feeling the steam of light from the top of my head down, and interestingly I felt this before u had talked about it. It was so neat to then have u discuss that path of light! I felt many other forms of light as well. It was such an incredible experience! The colorful light waterfall felt so cleansing and renewing. Then the healing liquid light of the ocean was just bliss and peace. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
— Colleen
It has been only one session and I feel like I have been filled with a new chance at life. I got SO much information from my baby that I know just what to do now. I can’t wait to contact you with the good news that I am pregnant, I fully expect to be so soon!
— Christine
I had been feeling fairly low before, but since listening to Elisabeth, I have been left feeling lighter and more committed to looking deeper into my life. I often feel like I am a very slow learner to life’s lessons but Elisabeth’s words have been really good for me. I have realised that I am learning and I am beginning to truly listen to what life has to say to me. Thank you.
— Jo
Oh E, your words always so inspired, deep and yet light and airy, safe and loving. Always just what I need, when I need it.
— Nicole
Every interaction with her was pure magic. In just one session, I have a plan to overcome and heal. I totally recommend her, and I definitely think the person on the receiving end of Elisabeth’s teaching needs to be open and ready. If they are, one session can be life changing and hungry for more wisdom. Elisabeth is calm and exudes love. She is always uplifting and makes you feel as if you can accomplish anything. Elisabeth knows how to adapt her support to your needs. She is intuitive enough to know that some of us need a little more TLC than others. She helps you see things you’re working on in a completely different perspective that makes them shift from problems to manageable challenges. Elisabeth, I totally agree with what you’ve said about opening the door for us.  I believe you have opened the door to a beautiful meadow full of adventures that I’m joyfully experiencing.  Thank you! 
— Leticia

“Elisabeth Manning has a remarkable gift of awakening the soul and catalyzing extraordinary healing & transformation.”

Her work is really for birthing our potential regardless of what it is. It is simultaneously deeply precise and expansive, held in a field of vibrant luminous love that embraces your very essence. After working with Elisabeth, I experienced immediate transformations in specific familial relationship dynamics that I had been working on for some time. Pain and misunderstanding were transformed into deep empathy joy, levity and love which has sustained. Elisabeth's work is seemingly gentle but in truth is a Revolution of the Soul. Highly recommended!

- Sarah Drew, Author of Gaia Codex

I am 40 years old and have been on the journey of conceiving my first child for 2 years. (For any of you who have been “trying” you know the ups and downs that go with that. Through this work, I have regained a sense of calm in the midst of what can be an incredibly stressful time. I experience a renewed certainty and trust that I will conceive, but more importantly a deeper connection to who I am as a woman, partner, and mother. Working with Elisabeth has been a rich and deep experience, I feel supported, cared for and challenged to be the best I can for our coming child. Thank you Elisabeth!
— Maureen

“You really have a gift to help others open to the divinity in them.”

I can’t thank you enough Elisabeth, for opening me up to this new world. I feel free and light, I have let go of so much. I know I can handle anything now. I have the tools to become present, to intend, to create, and to bless my life. I know who I am. I was led to you, I know that now. You really have a gift to help others open to the divinity in them, thank you, it is a precious gift to me.

- Maria

The BabySpirit meditation group with Elisabeth continues to be a very special experience for me. At first I was a little apprehensive due to my lack of experience in the area of meditation and I thought that perhaps I would not ‘get it’. Elisabeth is so naturally intuitive that she instinctively seems to know where each individual is in terms of their abilities and needs. Although the meditation is carried out in a group setting –with both pregnant couples and fertility couples combined–, Elisabeth still manages to read the individual needs of each person so it seems at times that it is almost a personally guided meditation. This baby meditation experience, which I have continued to return to on a regular basis, is incredibly relaxing, uplifting and de-stressing. I really enjoy the connection I make with my little one each time I go and I have the sense of him as a real person even though I have not yet met him! I cannot recommend this experience highly enough.
— Leisha
Aside from feeling alive and in the moment, the Conscious Conception Coaching has resulted with many “synchronicities.” I have come to call them “little miracles”…I remind my husband of our more recent “miracle”, and he being a non believer, still can’t believe our good luck. There have been many coincidences; I started a new job that pays more, and pays for my commute-by-train fee (saving the wear and tear on my car, and now I fill up every 3 weeks!) This intention and Law of Attraction business really works. I am not a fertility or pregnancy client, just someone who wants to understand how to create a better life. And I am doing it. I am very excited and can’t wait for more “miracles!” Thank You Elisabeth!
— Nancy
Words cannot begin to describe what this Angel of a woman has done for me throughout my fertility journey. First and foremost she helped me to recognize that this “obstacle” was really and truly an opportunity for me to step back, be still, and evaluate all of the elements in my life that may have been contributing to my inability to conceive. I realized it was SO much more than a physical thing. She helped bring me to whole other level of consciousness, to make space for my baby, to learn to stop doing and start being, to master the art of joyful surrender, and lastly to truly and genuinely TRUST the inner workings of the masterful divine force that guides us all. After a massive cantaloupe size tumor, an ectopic pregnancy, 3 emergency surgeries to follow due to the complications thereof, 4 years of trying, 2 failed IVF cycles, many pushed cycles, a year of bacterial infections, a miscarriage on Christmas Eve, and heartache beyond belief, I was finally able to conceive. I am currently 5 months pregnant with twins, 1 boy and 1 girl!! This dream come true could not have been possible with out the incredible innovative insight, guidance, love and support of Elisabeth Manning....Thank You, dear Angel!!
— Colleen
Elisabeth, I LOVE this work so much I look forward to it every week! I have never had this much confidence or sense of purpose. I cannot tell you what a relief I feel inside. Thanks!
— Stephanie
It’s been awhile now and I’ve been meaning to write and share my wonderful news. I’m pregnant! If you ever have any clients who have struck out with western medicine and need to hear that it can be done another way, feel free to have them give me a call. After 4 failed attempts at IVF and getting “kicked out” of my fertility clinic unless I agreed to donor eggs, attending your seminar gave me hope when it seemed there was none left. Thank you for giving me faith at one of the lowest points in my life. I am so grateful to you!
— Janine
Elisabeth! I don’t know how you know things, but I am so deeply amazed! Thank you so much – for being in my life and showing me what you have to offer. I am 12 weeks pregnant and feel like a new person!
— Lara

“Your insight and knowledge has been and continues to help me heal and have faith to trust.”

I am taking in your talk from today, and I feel speechless. I actually felt like I was going into another dimension, and I was feeling a lot of light rinsing away the past. When you spoke of the dolphins, I felt it even more. The gifts you share are powerful.I am so grateful you share and teach the way you do. I feel I am experiencing healing when you are speaking and sharing. What I have been feeling recently was exactly what you spoke of-today taking the edge off. I feel I am turning a corner, because with all the pain, I just want to feel lighter and free. I want to shift out of the pain more and more. I feel like things have started shifting today-just by hearing you speak and share. You have helped me so much in the past, and your tools and guidance have always resonated with me. Your insight and knowledge has been and continues to help me heal and have faith to trust. I felt a strong feeling to reach out to you again, because you have such a bright light, which is deeply inspiring for me. Thank you for all the gifts and insight you share. What enormous blessings :) With Much Love and Gratitude Always…

- Laura

We just finished the call and I had to share my amazing experience… It’s still very hard for me to trust myself and to know that what I’m feeling is coming from the Universe and not my own wishful thinking… I read tarot and sometimes have the same doubts as I can influence the cards I draw and pick the ones I *want* if my mind is not completely clear. Your meditation almost seemed tailor-made. There were times I swore you were reading my mind as far as talking about making “time” for the child. When you asked, “Ask the child if it’s been with you before…” the little girl answered yes and very matter of factly (not accusing) said, “You sent me back. The time wasn’t right.” She was talking about my abortion that I had as a teenager and we did some healing around that in the meditation, something I deeply needed. Prior to my recent miscarriage, she considered coming again, but never actually made it. She decided I still wasn’t ready and (while I NEVER would have done this) she was afraid of joining me because she was afraid I would reject her, physically, again. Although she’s determined to be my little girl, she didn’t want to go through THAT again. What she showed me in the meditation was that this will be the theme in this future little girl’s life: love, attention, affection and KNOWING she is WANTED will be very important. She will take rejection very personally unless we instill in her, from conception, just HOW MUCH we want her. Thank you for helping me take the time to connect and receive all of this and to make space for my baby!
— Dawn
After facing rejection once, 15 years ago, my not-yet-conceived daughter is waiting patiently until I am sure I’m ready for her. Every day I think about her thick brown curls (mine) and her big brown eyes (her father’s), it brings me closer to being emotionally, physically and financially ready to invite her into this world.

Thank you, Elisabeth, for the opportunity to tap into this knowledge, whether it comes from God, the Universe or within myself.

This may sound crazy to those who are not open to the metaphysical plane. I wasn’t sure what to make of it myself when, in spring 2009, Elisabeth told me I would be pregnant within the calendar year. She was right. By December, I announced the pregnancy, still new, to my family.

Sadly, no embryo developed. Recalling our conversation and Elisabeth’s coaching services, I emailed her to schedule a BabySpirit meditation and find out what went wrong.

My First BabySpirit Meditation

During the meditation, Elisabeth instructed us to ask if the child had been with us before. The little girl answered yes and very matter of factly (not accusing) said, “You sent me back. The time wasn’t right.” This is absolutely true, although I prefer not to divulge details.

Prior to my recent miscarriage, she decided I still wasn’t ready and was afraid of joining me because she was afraid I would reject her again. (I never would at this point in my life!) She’s determined to be my little girl, but she didn’t want to go through THAT again.

This is going to be a theme in this little girl’s life; love, attention, affection and KNOWING she is WANTED will be very important. She will take rejection very personally unless we instill in her, from conception and perhaps before, just HOW MUCH we want her.

In order to have this child, I have to make it very clear that I have the time for her, that she will be the center of my world and the center of her sister’s world, too. My 18-month-old daughter will be very nurturing (almost like a “second mother/protector”) to this child, showing her she’s wanted and significant.

Money isn’t important to this child…she’d rather wear secondhand clothes and have my time than to have me working. I felt such strong love I cried during the meditation. For her to have these feelings, not once, but twice, of being unwanted, is just awful for anybody to go through. It makes me more driven to give her the best of everything, including myself!

My Second BabySpirit Meditation

I attended a second meditation in February. It gave me even more information since I knew what to expect and how to focus my mind to tap into my daughter-to-be’s energy. During the the BabySpirit meditation, Elisabeth suggests you ask your unborn child to give you a “sign” that lets you know she (or he) is nearby.

My daughter-to-be sent me images of yellow stars and blue hearts. “It’s the Lucky Charms leprechaun!” I joked. Then I realized she picked child-like symbols that I would encounter while playing with my daughter–my older daughter–her big sister.

I’ve noticed the symbols often and they make me smile, knowing my baby is patiently waiting.

More Signs from the Subconscious

Yesterday, something happened that people might chalk up to coincide. Because I believe we create every moment of our lives, and that I create every moment with intention, I don’t believe in coincidences.

During my anembryonic pregnancy this winter, Michael Buble’s song “I Just Haven’t Met You Yet” made me think of my baby-to-be. I remember singing it loudly in the car and it became “our song.” Little did I know that it would be even longer than 40 weeks before I would meet my baby-to-be. How long? I still don’t know. But it’s getting closer.

Yesterday, while shopping for clothes for Ashley, the song came over the store music system. Just then, I passed a shirt in Ashley’s size that read “Big Sister.” It was adorned with yellow stars and — yes — blue hearts.
— Dawn