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About Elisabeth

Elisabeth Manning is a former Nike CEO executive assistant to celebrities turned certified master spirit coach, now with over 16 years assisting conscious creators to birth their purest divine potential, whether a baby, a business, or a blessed life.

Her mantra:

Nothing can stop a woman who is sparked by God.

When she is not at work she is building her new farmhouse with her husband, playing in the garden, or teaching their Golden Retriever Maisie Grace to have better manners.

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If you are like me, you are seeking a better way to contribute your soul and your life toward creating a better world.

After doing the inner work, I found my self and my calling and hit over 100K doing it. I discovered what it means to live truly in alignment, awareness and abundance on all levels. Life doesn’t flow more easily; I do. I have simple learned to build stronger muscles.

I want to show you, now.

I absolutely could not have done it without the tools.

Tools I now use to teach other smart women. And if I did it, you can too.

I am here to tell you, you absolutely deserve every good and blessed thing, and you are in the perfect place to begin.

Shall we begin?

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Fertilosophie & Mission

Our mission is simple: To bring more light into this world.




Love & Compassion.




Right Action.

The fertilosophie is simple, but not easy in today’s pressurized and rushed world.

Alignment rather than hustle is the key.

Less doing. More being.

Less judgy of ourselves, and more loyal to the wholeness that we seek.

… wholeness that we already are.

We seek to move from our holes, to wholeness, to holiness.

Not surprisingly, this intentional approach to a spirit led fertile life is widely known to spark little miracles in the process, where DNA is rebirthed into a better version of ourselves, and a higher humanity is born.

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