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Nothing can stop a woman sparked by God.


You are quite possibly at the highest level of spiritual evolution and manifestation you can be if you choose to do this work.

You will learn how to align with your creative process and activate your pure God connection, which is the most effective way to spark the life that is meant for you, regardless of what you are calling in.

This “Divine Shaman” process teaches you how to listen to your own inner guidance, self heal, and consciously co-create your reality in partnership with the diving.

Learn to trust the creator within you.

Receive training and support from someone who genuinely cares about what you are creating - and how you are creating it - and who can show you effective alignment methods, self mastery tools and spiritual manifestation truths along the way.

Change often can be scary, but here, it can be absolutely wondrous and magical, and so worth it. And we have so much fun in the process!





For entrepreneurs, coaches, and Practitioners

Learn to…

Serve your clients to teach them how to accelerate their results

Find courage to put your work into the world and be seen

Authentic confidence to speak, write, grow

Find and niche your zone of genius

Energetic branding

Create more money

Attract aligned clients

Create a work life that feels more like “You”

Be the visionary for creating your future

Get paid doing what you love


For Fertility & Health

Learn to…

Create a Fertile Environment for your Child with your hidden potential 75% of mind, spirit, and emotions (we are made of spirit, mind, body and emotions - and chances are you have already stepped into working on your 25% physical - so we focus on the remaining 75%)

Heal thyself and thy inner child

Discover what is out of balance and restore harmony within your being. True harmony creates a portal to other worlds.

Mother wounds- so you can become the mother you choose to be - we find what we can be grateful to pass on to our child, and do energetic work to release the rest.

Amplify and accelerate your mind + body + spirit connection

Create joy + meaning in the journey - SO important and not to be underestimated. (its an energy thing)

Energetic fertility + conscious conception - we do it for our children, but we also realize the life-giving power in it that enhances our own life)

Learn how past issue can affect health (and how to heal them)

Overcome powerlessness, worry, doubt, and fear

Connect powerfully with yourself and your body

Work with your baby’s spirit to heal, connect, and receive guidance

Prepare sacred space

Step into the mother you see yourself becoming


For Personal Development

Learn to…

Step into the ‘light leader’ and visionary you always were

Transform unhealthy thinking, habits, and patterns

Move beyond self sabotage, fear, and limitation

Meet your higher self

Once you connect with your true self you can know that everything happens for your highest good, and you begin to see - and create - your life differently

Future Self Encounters: Create your ideal future with intention

Feel your connection with others in a new way - one that feels easeful and more grounded in truth and authenticity

Feel at peace, confident, and comfortable in your skin

Love yourself and your life

Find truth, purpose, and meaning and express it into this world with confidence and faith in the process, the journey, the path you find yourself on

Be ok not being ok;) Until you are ok again.




  • Have more money, love, energy. and confidence

  • Feel like the Universe has your back

  • Reduced anxiety and self doubt

  • Live and express your dream life

  • Feel good + strong in your skin

  • More grace, synchronicities, and “God moments”

  • Feel confident, seen, hear, and valued

  • Know peace

  • Heal your past

  • Happier, more content

  • Not “chasing life” but attracting it instead

  • Improved sleep

  • Lose weight

  • Trusting the process

  • Feel worthy to receive good things

  • Express and shine your light

  • Open your heart again

  • Create + attract the life you love

  • improved spontaneity, intuition and creativity




learn active meditation - (a kind that gets you out of mental chatter

and to the feet of your creator)

How to work with inner prompts and intuition

Learn how to set intention

Chakra balancing

Energy tools i.e. how to cut cords, ground, protect, timeline, contract, and karma clearing

How to work through resistance and blocks

Daily ritual + mindset practices

know your divine calling

Spiritual laws of success (including Law of attraction)

Raise your frequency, lightwork

Inner child healing + honoring

Stress reduction

Guided imagery + visualization

Intuition + alignment training

“Rewiring” to overcome limiting beliefs

Surrender and letting go